Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuum: An Introduction First Edition

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This exciting new text offers a comprehensive, engaging, and readable overview to the dynamic field of medical speech-language pathology. It is the first medical speech-language pathology textbook that is not focused on the various disorders, but instead examines the scope and key concepts of the profession, such as clinical reasoning, interprofessional practice, and the continuum of care. The book provides an in-depth overview of healthcare workplace settings (acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, home health, outpatient care, pediatric service delivery, pharmacology, and neuroimaging).

The text also includes numerous case studies that instructors and students can use to explore application of both clinical and setting specific principles as a primer for practice in “the real world.”

Key Features

  • Chapters are authored by respected experts within both academia and medical speech-language pathology
  • Numerous figures, tables, and photosenhance readers’ visual learning experience.
  • Boxed focal pointshighlight areas of emphasis, special practice considerations, competencies, and cases.
  • Case studies, where students are introduced to patient assessment, treatment, and management examples across the care continuum.
  • An Appendix listing common medical test procedures and reference values.
  • PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors.

Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuum: An Introduction is also helpful for speech-language pathologists transitioning from a school based or private practice setting into health care.



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Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuum: An Introduction First Edition

By Alex Johnson (Author), Barbara Jacobson (Author), Megan Schliep (Author), Bridget Perry (Author)

  • Comprehensive Overview: Explores the dynamic field of medical speech-language pathology, focusing on key concepts rather than disorders.
  • Key Concepts: Covers clinical reasoning, interprofessional practice, and the continuum of care.
  • Healthcare Settings: In-depth examination of various settings, including acute care, inpatient rehab, skilled nursing, home health, outpatient care, pediatric service delivery, pharmacology, and neuroimaging.
  • Case Studies: Offers practical examples for students to apply clinical principles across different care settings.
  • Expert Contributions: Chapters written by leading academics and professionals in medical speech-language pathology.
  • Visual Learning: Includes numerous figures, tables, and photos to enhance understanding.
  • Boxed Highlights: Special focus on competencies, practice considerations, and cases.
  • Appendix: Lists common medical test procedures and reference values.
  • Instructor Resources: Provides PowerPoint slides for lectures.
  • Useful for Transitions: Ideal for speech-language pathologists moving from school-based or private practice settings to healthcare.


Medical Speech-Language Pathology Across the Care Continuum: An Introduction First Edition  Now Available at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Bookshop For home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan.

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