Common Cardiac Issues in Pediatrics 1st Edition
by Dr. Jonathan N. Johnson MD FACC FAAP (Editor), Dr. Deepak M. Kamat MD PhD FAAP (Editor)
Learn from leading experts the latest information on cardiac issues seen most often in a pediatric office. The scope of focus includes signs and symptoms, management of patients with
acquired or congenital heart disease, cardiac implications of common infectious diseases, preventive cardiology strategies, and other issues that are frequently managed or evaluated by the
primary care clinician.
Topics include:
Evaluation of the Patient
Common Signs and Symptoms
Congenital Heart Disease
Cardiomyopathies and Channelopathies
Acquired Cardiac Diseases
Infectious Diseases
Preventive Cardiology Strategies
General Issues in Primary Cardiac Care
More than 130 full color photos and illustrations enhance disease recognition and clinical decision-making. In addition, the resource features information on preventive cardiology
strategies, patient evaluation, and more issues in primary cardiac care.
You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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