Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 3rd Edition
Author(s):Vinay Chandrasekhara, B. Joseph Elmunzer, Mouen A. Khashab, V. Raman Muthusamy
Now thoroughly up-to-date, Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Vinay Chandrasekhara, Mouen Khashab, B. Joseph Elmunzer, and V. Raman Muthusamy, ensures that you stay
current with the latest technology and techniques in GI endoscopy. An all-new editorial team, newly updated images, and a reorganized format make this reference an easy-to-use source of
reliable information on a full range of topics, including anatomy, pathophysiology, and therapeutic management options, in addition to the latest GI procedures and technologies.
Features 1,000 revised photographs, endoscopic images, and anatomical drawings.
Provides a fresh perspective and expert guidance from an entirely new editorial team.
Includes many more references per chapter.
Presents material in a newly restructured, organ-based format for quick reference.
You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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