Enhance your understanding of urinary tract disorders and male reproductive health with our extensive selection of Urology Books at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Bookshop. Our collection features the latest and most authoritative titles, including clinical manuals, surgical guides, and cutting-edge research, tailored for students, practitioners, and specialists alike. With cash on delivery available across Pakistan, access the best urology resources at Pakistan’s most trusted medical bookshop.

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     ABC of Urology 3rd Edition

    200 400 

     ABC of Urology 3rd Edition

    by Chris Dawson (Author), Janine Nethercliffe (Author)

    The ABC of Urology provides a comprehensive review of current practice in urology and is a structured and practical guide to the diagnosis, treatment and management of the most common urological conditions. This new third edition has been fully revised and expanded with additional chapters and improved coverage of renal and testis cancer, management of haematuria, laparoscopy, trauma and new urological advances. Prostate, bladder, renal and penile cancers are also covered in detail and new techniques and procedures for safer and effective treatment options are featured. The ABC of Urology is the ideal reference for general practitioners and general practitioner trainees, junior doctors and practice nurses, medical students and all primary health care professionals working to provide the best possible care for patients with urological conditions.

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     Adult and Pediatric Urology (3-Volume Set)

    by Jay Y. Gillenwater (Editor), Stuart S. Howards (Editor), John T. Grayhack (Editor), Michael Mitchell (Editor)

    The thoroughly updated Fourth Edition of this classic three-volume work is a comprehensive, user-friendly reference on all surgical and medical aspects of urology. The first two volumes cover adult urology; the third volume focuses entirely on pediatric urology. All chapters follow a consistent, easy-to-read style of presentation.This edition features new chapters on bladder cancer, office-based urology, and alternative medicine in urology. Expanded coverage of prostate disease includes PSA testing and nerve-sparing surgery for prostate cancer. Other Fourth Edition highlights include expanded coverage of male sexual dysfunction, imaging studies, and a fully reorganized and updated volume on pediatric urology.A CD-ROM bound into the printed text provides one-click access to the full text and illustrations in the three volumes--plus video clips showing dynamic views of surgical procedures.

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     Emergencies in Urology Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed

    by M. Hohenfellner (Editor), R.A. Santucci (Editor)

    This is a comprehensive textbook covering one of the few remaining blind spots on the map of urological literature. To date only a small number of publications have been dedicated to the topic of urgent and emergent problems in urology, important though they are in everyday clinical medicine. The editors are both internationally recognized urological experts and have made the effort to present an in-depth study into virtually every possible urgent urological situation with which a urologist may be confronted today. Thus the book includes chapters on topics such as urological trauma, urosepsis, urinary obstruction, oncological emergencies, intra- and postoperative complications, acute problems in children, and many more.

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     Essential Urology: A Guide to Clinical Practice (Current Clinical Urology) 1st Edition

    by Jeannette M. Potts (Editor)

    Leading urologists and expert specialists review and summarize for family practitioners the latest thinking about how best to evaluate, diagnose, and treat all the most commonly encountered urological conditions. Topics discussed range from urinary tract infections in children and adults to the evaluation and treatment of hematuria, kidney stones, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), interstitial cystitis, and prostatitis. Additional chapters are devoted to the management of urologic problems during pregnancy, female urinary incontinence, and erectile dysfunction. Advances in urologic imaging-ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and radionucleotide imaging-are also discussed, as are the most frequently used complementary medicines.

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    ABC of Urology (ABC Series)

    150 300 

    ABC of Urology (ABC Series)

    by Chris Dawson (Author), Hugh N. Whitfield (Author)

    Urological problems encompass a wide range of both distressing and potentially life threatening conditions and the number of general practice presentations is growing rapidly due to the increasing age of the population. Both reliable and comprehensive, the second edition of the ABC of Urology provides a thoroughly updated and revised guide to the speciality which highlights the recent advances in this area. Concentrating specifically on the treatment and diagnosis of the most common conditions, the emphasis is on shared care, where the skills of the primary care team are used in conjunction with hospital referral. This concise, well-illustrated and highly practical text will provide the perfect reference for general practitioners and practice nurses, as well as junior doctors handling hospital referrals.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate (Clinical Practice in Urology)

    by Andrew W. Bruce (Editor), John Trachtenberg (Editor)

    Carcinoma of the prostate increasingly dominates the attention of urologists for both scientific and clinical reasons. The search for an explanation and the prediction of the variable behaviour of the malignant prostatic cell continues unabated. The search for more precise tumour staging and more effective treatment is equally vigorous. Editors Andrew Bruce and John Trachtenberg have assembled acknowledged leaders in prostate cancer to present those areas of direct interest to the clinician. There are a number of other topics that might have been considered but most of these, such as experimental tumour models or biochemical factors affecting cell growth, still lack immediate application for the clinician. Carcinoma of the prostate continues to have its highest incidence in the western world, and the difference in comparison with the incidence in the Far East appears to be real and not masked by diagnostic or other factors. A number of other epidemiological aspects need careful analysis: Is the incidence increasing? Is the survival improving? Is the prognosis worse in the younger patient? Epidemiological data are easily misused and misinterpreted so that a precise analysis of the known facts makes an important opening chapter to this book.

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    Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery

    by Joseph C. Liao (Editor), Li-Ming Su (Editor)

    This book provides an overview of the current state-of-art in combining advances in biomedical imaging with intraoperative navigation and preoperative planning for urologic surgery. These advances hold great promise in improving diagnostic and therapeutic urologic interventions to improve patient outcomes. Leading experts in this exciting emerging field covers early clinical and pre-clinical applications of optical, ultrasound, cross-sectional and computer-assisted imaging in urologic surgery.

    Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery provides a unique and valuable resource for audience with clinical and research interest in minimally invasive surgery, endourology, urologic oncology, imaging and biomedical engineering.

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    Ambulatory Urology and Urogynaecology 1st Edition

    by Abhay Rane (Editor), Ajay Rane (Editor)

    According to the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS), ambulatory surgery should be defined as 'an operation/procedure, excluding an office or outpatient operation/procedure, where the patient is discharged on the same working day'. The rise of ambulatory surgery has been driven by technological advances that reduce the need for overnight hospital stays, enhanced recovery programmes that advocate early mobilisation, and the need for economic efficiency. Recent experience has shown that redistributing surgical procedures from the inpatient setting to ambulatory centres can be done without impacting quality.

    The majority of people requiring urologic surgery are now treated as day/outpatients – thus requiring a different level of care from inpatients. Ambulatory Urology and Urogynaecology is the only book that combines urology and urogynaecology focuses on outpatient management. Packed with learning points, practical hints and tips, and boasting an international group of contributing authors, this book is co-edited by world-leading pioneers in urologic and urogynaecological surgery.

    Ambulatory Urology and Urogynaecology is ideal for urologists, urogynaecologists and gynaecologists, as well as specialist urology nurses and surgeons. With more and outpatient procedures being performed, this book is the perfect step-by-step guide to consult time and time again.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    An Illustrated Guide to Pediatric Urology

    by Ahmed H. Al-Salem (Author)

    This book is vital for physicians caring for young patients with urological conditions, as a quick reference book that is easy to read and well-illustrated. Pediatric urological conditions are fairly common, and infants and children are seen on daily basis with urological problems either in clinics or in hospitals. This book is useful to general surgeons, pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, fellows, residents, general physicians and family physicians, medical students and nurses. The Editor has gained experience in the diagnosis and management of various urological problems in infants and children, working in busy hospital over the last 25 years.

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    Anesthesia for Urologic Surgery 2014th Edition

    by Daniel M. Gainsburg (Editor), Ethan O. Bryson (Editor), Elizabeth A. M. Frost (Editor)

    This is a concise, up-to-date reference on anesthesia for urological surgery. Urological anesthesia is not recognized as a specialty, and a majority of anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists will provide anesthesia for these patients. Advances in urological procedures, the advent of treatment of patients with strong anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications, and the demographics of urology patients (many of whom are young or elderly) present challenges for the anesthesiologist and have necessitated changes in anesthesia practice. The last volume on this topic was published in 2000, and the time is right for a fresh presentation of contemporary expertise in anesthesia for urological surgery.

    The book provides a brief review of renal physiology and pharmacology then addresses anesthesia for each major group of urological procedures (e.g., endoscopic, office-based, laparoscopic and robotic, nephrolithotripsy, renal transplantation, etc.) and in special populations, including the geriatric patient, the pediatric patient, and the pregnant patient. Separate chapters discuss the unique challenges of positioning the patient, and of managing the patient taking anticoagulant and antiplatelet medication, and the chapter on pain management addresses common and important perioperative concerns.

    The book provides a brief review of renal physiology and pharmacology then addresses anesthesia for each major group of urological procedures (e.g., endoscopic, office-based, laparoscopic and robotic, nephrolithotripsy, renal transplantation, etc.) and in special populations, including the geriatric patient, the pediatric patient, and the pregnant patient. Separate chapters discuss the unique challenges of positioning the patient, and of managing the patient taking anticoagulant and antiplatelet medication, and the chapter on pain management addresses common and important perioperative concerns.

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    ASN Review Questions Kidney Self Assessment ProgramBy Dr Kishore KumarYou can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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    Atlas of Robotic Urologic Surgery 2nd ed

    by Li-Ming Su (Editor)

    As a consequence of rapid changes in surgical technique and incorporation of new robotic technology and advanced intraoperative imaging, the second edition of this important textbook reflects these rapid changes in the field of robotic urologic surgery. The goals of this textbook are three-fold. First, it provides a comprehensive update on surgical techniques pertinent to each robotic urologic procedure being performed worldwide, spanning procedures performed for both upper urinary tract (e.g. adrenal, kidney, ureter) and lower urinary tract (e.g. bladder, prostate, seminal vesicle, vagina) as well as adult and pediatric conditions. Second, advances in new robotic instruments and technology as well as advanced intraoperative imaging modalities used for surgical navigation are incorporated. Third, to further improve upon the first edition, this textbook is highly illustrated with schematic drawings to aid an understanding of the surgical techniques. Links to online video content is presented throughout. Atlas of Robotic Urologic Surgery will serve as a vital step-by-step, highly illustrated comprehensive yet concise resource to urologic surgeons, trainees and robotic surgical assistants embarking on robotic surgery as part of their surgical armamentarium for treatment of urologic diseases.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    Basic Urological Management 1st ed

    by Sanchia S. Goonewardene (Author), Peter Pietrzak (Author), David Albala (Author)

    This book describes basic urological conditions and their management, with flowcharts to illustrate each step of patient treatment. Topics related to the upper and lower tract, urological infections, trauma, incontinence, andrology, and uro-oncology are all covered. The management of each condition is explained through point by point analysis that details patient pathways.

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    Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in Urology 1st Edition

    by John Denstedt MD FRCSC FACS FCAHS (Editor), A Atala (Editor)

    Urology is the branch of medicine dealing with disorders or diseases of the male genitor-urinary tract and the female urinary tract. This important book summarises the wealth of recent research on the use of biomaterials and tissue engineering to treat urological disorders.

    Part one reviews the fundamentals with chapters on such topics as biofilms and encrustation formation. Part two then discusses recent advances in biomaterials and design of urological devices such as metal ureteral stents, self-lubricating catheter materials and penile implants. Chapters in Part three address urological tissue engineering with coverage of themes such as artificial and natural biomaterials, nano-technology and placental stem cells for tissue engineering the regeneration of urological tissue and organs.

    With its eminent editors and international team of contributors, Biomaterials and tissue engineering in urology is an invaluable resource to researchers of urological biomaterials, devices and regenerative medicine in both industry and academia, as well as an important reference for medical practitioners. Provides a comprehensive review of biomaterials and tissue engineering in urology Explores the fundamentals of urology, focusing on biofilms and encrustation and formation Discusses recent advances in biomaterials and the design of urological devices, catheters and stents

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    Bladder Cancer (Clinical Practice in Urology)

    by E.J. Zingg (Author), D.M.A. Wallace (Editor)

    Cancer of the bladder has a bad the combination of urinary problems and malignancy gives just cause for continuing concern. Not only is this common cancer a burden to the patient but, because of the need for regular follow-up, it creates a large workload on the urological services. It might be imagined that the bladder would give early warning signals of disease, and indeed it may do so; yet it can also be hesitant to reveal its severity. Thus there are many problems that create challenges in the diagnosis and management. Prevention is still the first goal of an oncologist, with early detection of early disease being the next best option. Early bladder cancer is amenable to several therapeutic approaches, but we have still to determine the best approach. The management of more advanced invasive bladder cancer all too often leads to disappointment, and we remain uncertain as to the optimum approach-surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or some combination of these. Although none of these problems may be fully answered either now or in the near future, many people are working towards their solution, and the rate of progress needs to be documented from time to time. This volume aims to set the standard for the present state of our knowledge on bladder cancer. The editors, Professor Ernst Zingg and Mr'. Michael Wallace, have gathered together the best opinions on a wide range of topics relating to bladder cancer.

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    Bladder Cancer: Current Diagnosis and Treatment (Current Clinical Urology)

    by Michael J. Droller (Editor)

    Michael J. Droller, MD and a panel of experienced clinicians bring their strong background in clinical research to bear on the assessment and management of bladder cancer. Their comprehensive discussion summarizes the state-of-the-art in diagnosis and treatment, based on the latest understanding of bladder cancer's epidemiology, carcinogenesis, and tumor markers. Topics of particular interest include the role of genetics and molecular biology in evaluating bladder cancer clinically, the evaluation of the results of systemic treatment in advanced disease, the current status of tumor markers in bladder cancer, and the means for further study in their applicability. Insightful and evidenced-based, Bladder Cancer: Current Diagnosis and Treatment provides active clinicians and clinical investigators with not only a critical survey of the rapidly expanding research in the area, but also a state-of-the-art tutorial on today's optimal assessment and treatment of bladder cancer.

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    Blandy’s Urology 3rd Edition

    1,400 3,050 

    Blandy's Urology 3rd Edition

    by Omar M. Aboumarzouk (Editor)

    Blandy's Urology, 3rd edition is set to become a classic in its field, the latest edition of one of the most well-loved general urology textbooks for urologists and surgeons alike, successfully combining both general urology and urologic surgery. Its key strength is the unique ‘Blandy way’ of describing urological diseases and their management, consisting of: clear, straightforward, uncomplicated descriptions of disease/conditions, including hundreds of clinical photos an abundance of outstanding drawn surgical diagrams to illustrate best technique in the operating theatre a focus on the most commonly seen problems in the clinic organization of each topic under anatomical headings Especially loved by urology and surgery trainees for its straightforward approach to the speciality and as a preparation for speciality urology exams, consultants and specialists also value it as a handy refresher tool.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    Botulinum Toxin in Urology

    400 850 

    Botulinum Toxin in Urology

    by Michael B. Chancellor (Author), Christopher P. Smith (Author)

    Bladder injection of onabotulinumtoxinA for the treatment of urinary incontinence due to neurogenic detrusor overactivity has recently been approved by regulatory agencies in several EU countries and by the FDA in the United States. This is the first book to focus on the practical application of botulinum toxin (BoNT) in the genitourinary tract. It covers in detail applications of BoNT in the bladder and the prostate and pelvic floor, with reviews of the latest clinical series and techniques in both adults and children. Appendices containing easy-to- read instructions for patients undergoing bladder and prostate BoNT injections are included, in addition to procedural guidelines for nursing staff. The book is written in a concise, clinically relevant style by two leading pioneers in the field, who were the first to undertake comprehensive basic research into the mechanisms underlying the efficacy and potential uses of BoNT within the lower urinary tract.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    Campbell Walsh Wein Handbook of Urology 1st Edition

    by Alan W. Partin MD PhD (Author), Louis R. Kavoussi MD (Author), Craig A. Peters MD (Author), Roger R. Dmochowski MD (Author)

    Brush up on important clinical topics and prepare for exams or recertification with this easily accessible handbook. Campbell Walsh Wein Handbook of Urology contains essential, reliable information from the same author team as Campbell Walsh Wein Urology, 12th Edition, providing practical, well-illustrated diagnosis and treatment information on a wide range of urological conditions. It’s an ideal resource for residents, practitioners, and nurse practitioners in urology who need quick access to key clinical information in a concise, easy-to-read format. Find information quickly and easily with a high-yield, templated format that includes numerous algorithms, tables, and figures.

    Effectively review for the boards or recertification using the self-assessment questions at the end of each chapter.

    Stay abreast of new AUA and ICI incontinence guidelines as well as up-to-date information on incontinence treatment recommendations, therapy for castrate-resistant prostate cancer, and active surveillance for prostate cancer.

    Focus on hot topics in urology including stress and mixed urinary incontinence, therapy for prolapse, overactive bladder, male subfertility and androgen deficiency, and renal cell carcinoma.

    Review the major categories of urologic diseases along with integrated content on radiology, radiation therapy, nephrology, pediatric urology, transplantation surgery, and vascular surgery.

    Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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    Campbell-Walsh Urology Review 1st Edition

    by W. Scott McDougal MD MA (Hon (Author), Alan J. Wein MD PhD (Hon) FACS (Author), Louis R. Kavoussi MD (Author), Andrew C. Novick MD (Author), Alan W. Partin MD PhD (Author), Craig A. Peters MD (Author), Parvati Ramchandani MD (Author)

    Master the most important elements in urology with Campbell-Walsh Urology 10th Edition Review, the companion study guide to the most trusted clinical reference in the field. This review source, skillfully constructed by Drs. McDougal, Wein, Kavoussi, Novick, Partin, Peters, and Ramchandani, covers all of the core material you need to know and offers an efficient, reliable approach for board exam preparation. Interactive multiple-choice questions, self-assessment tools, an extensive image bank, and more are accessible at www.expertconsult.com. Rely on definitive, expert guidance from the same respected authorities that made Campbell-Walsh Urology the most trusted clinical reference source in the field. Assess and deepen your understanding of key information with answers and rationales for more than 2,800 board-style multiple-choice study questions. Over 2,800 board-style multiple-choice questions provide a realistic simulation

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.