Master the complexities of brain and spine surgery with our extensive range of Neurosurgery Books at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Bookshop. Our collection features the latest textbooks, surgical atlases, and cutting-edge research that cover every aspect of neurosurgical practice, from basic techniques to advanced procedures. Ideal for students, surgeons, and professionals, these resources are a must-have. With cash on delivery across Pakistan, get access to the best neurosurgery literature at Pakistan’s most trusted medical bookshop.

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     Acute Care Neurosurgery by Case Management: Pearls and Pitfalls

    by PB Raksin (Editor)

    This book reviews the common clinical scenarios that might trigger emergent consultation for neurosurgical intervention, with attention to key components of the clinical interview and exam, optimal diagnostic evaluation, indications for and the goals of operative intervention, perioperative considerations, and strategies for complication mitigation. This is not a surgical atlas, but rather, a road map for the journey to the operating room door. The intent is to establish a systematic, evidence-based action plan for the patient presenting in neurologic crisis.

    Each chapter opens with a relevant case vignette and then unfolds through uniform sections to tell the story of how one might approach the disease entity in question, from initial request for consultation to definitive management, highlighting steps of the decision-making process:

    - What are the highest yield questions to ask during a focused interview?

    - What are the most pertinent objective exam findings?

    - What is the proper differential diagnosis?

    - What is the most appropriate and efficient plan for diagnostic evaluation - with respect to laboratories and imaging? - Does this patient have an indication for emergent or urgent neurosurgical intervention?

    - If so, what is the goal of that intervention?

    - What are the most common potential complications of the proposed procedure, and what steps might be taken to mitigate those risks? Each chapter is punctuated by 3-5 teaching pearls, summarizing these key elements. The overall goal is to create a framework for assessment that might be applied in the emergency department, the trauma bay, or the ICU when a neurologic emergency arises.

    The scope of the text encompasses not only cranial and spinal trauma, but also entities such as shunt failure, stroke, aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, pituitary apoplexy, cauda equina syndrome, and central nervous system infection that might require time-sensitive intervention. An additional section addresses issues requiring emergent neurosurgical response in the ICU setting, including sudden neurologic worsening, status epilepticus, and abnormal clotting/ coagulopathy.

    The text will not only serve as a valuable resource for those preparing to take the oral board exam, but will also provide a targeted refresher for clinicians taking general neurosurgical call in the community as well as an educational reference for mid-level practitioners and those in training who are serving as first responders on behalf of a neurosurgical service.

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     Learning and Career Development in Neurosurgery: Values-Based Medical Education 1st ed

    by Ahmed Ammar (Editor)

    The neurosurgical, surgical and medical training and practice models have to keep up with the technological revolution in the 21st Century as our lives changed on a swift base. Making bioethics and metacognition a cornerstone in medical education and practice will flourish our humane societies.

    Metacognition is thinking about one’s thinking, to plan, monitor and assess one’s understanding and performance. By adherence to medical ethics and Values-Based Medicine (VsBM) as guiding principles, we can develop benevolent medical practice. To enhance knowledge application, skills, and character qualities in realms beyond the immediate context in which they were learned.

    In this book, we developed a framework on how to evolve medical education and training by utilizing hi-tech. We divided the book into five principal components; Current and traditional root analysis of the learning process, Ethics and metacognition of education, learning and career development, Obstacles, difficulties and setbacks in learning and career development process, Learning in the digital era, and Mentorship. The author believes we are entering a new era of information technology, which will have a significant impact on the education, sciences, strategies and philosophy. Therefore, in preparation for this colossal transformation, the author brings together the best brains in the neurosurgical field from around the globe. Twenty distinguished Professors of Neurosurgery and educators from Canada, the USA, Colombia, the UK, Italy, the Netherland, India, Japan, China, Rwanda, Egypt and Saudi Arabia gathered their experiences and thoughts in this book to shade light on an evolving world that will be the norm in near future.

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     Neurology And Neurosurgery: 200 Sbas For Medical Students

    by Conor Gillespie (Author), Ameer Khan (Author)

    Neurology and Neurosurgery: 200 SBAs for Medical Students is a concise, practical, yet comprehensive question and answer book, encompassing all of the core outcomes of a clinical neuroscience medical school curriculum integrated into the format of commonly utilised single best answer (SBA) questions. The book offers a fresh, updated perspective on the essentials of Neurology and Neurosurgery, facilitates dynamic ascertainment of key concepts, and ensures pertinent knowledge acquisition of difficult, often rarer neurological presentations/conditions. Spearheaded by the unique feature 'One sentence summaries' — each rare/eponymous neurological condition is summarised in the form of a single solitary sentence. This ensures that only pertinent information is remembered, with the goal of the textbook being a must have for any medical student approaching the final years of their medical school curriculum. The book is perfect for the self-confessed 'Neurophobe' seeking the most relevant information that will help them excel in high stakes medical exams, become competent and aware of essential Neuro concepts as doctors, yet be challenging enough for students passionate about Neurosciences to significantly add to their existing interest. There are no other textbooks or resources offering this amalgamation of focused, yet detailed neuro concepts outlined in an interactive SBA format, and it serves to be a fantastic, easy to use, cost-effective edition to the armamentarium of many medical students nationwide.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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     Neurosurgery Practice Questions and Answers 2nd Edition

    by Mark Shaya (Editor), Cristian Gragnaniello (Editor), Remi Nader (Editor)

    Essential prep for maintenance of certification exams as well as neurosurgery boards

    Comprehensive, but small enough to take on rounds, the updated second edition of this popular neurosurgical board review provides a robust study companion for the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary examination. The text includes an impressive number of questions with concise and well-delineated explanations. Suitable for thorough board preparation, the question and answer format enables busy neurosurgical residents to efficiently practice, review, and improve upon their comprehension.

    In addition to all the fundamental disciplines that are relevant to the practice of neurosurgery, this edition encompasses the latest advances in the field including endovascular approaches, minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques, and genetics. The diverse and challenging questions encourage the acquisition of factual knowledge and application of logic. This is the definitive ABNS study book because it most closely mimics the written board examination format.

    Key Highlights:

    Multiple choice Q&A format provides highly effective study tool Questions organized randomly, thereby simulating the written examination Short explanations provide readers with a clear understanding of the correct answers This is a must-have primer that will help neurosurgeons and neurosurgical residents study and pass the rigorous written board exam. Board-certified neurosurgeons will also find it a handy and useful resource to prepare for MOC examinations or to brush up on clinical know-how.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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     Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient 2nd Edition

    by Cathy C. Cartwright (Editor), Donna C. Wallace (Editor)

    Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient is a detailed reference for nurses and other health care providers who care for children with neurosurgical problems. The explanations of pathophysiology, anatomy, radiodiagnostic testing, and treatment options for each neurosurgical diagnosis will help to clarify the rationale behind the nursing care. Descriptions of presenting symptoms, history and findings on neurological examination will help nurses understand the neurological disorder and identify problems. Each chapter includes case studies, impact on families, patient and family education, and practice pearls. Staff and student nurses working in clinics, critical care units, pediatric units, operating rooms, post-anesthesia care units, emergency departments, and radiology departments will benefit from the information presented. Although this book is written for nurses, medical students and neurosurgery residents will also find it helpful.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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     Surviving Neurosurgery: Vignettes of Resilience 1st ed

    by Nitin Agarwal (Editor), Vamsi Reddy (Editor)

    Surviving Neurosurgery: Vignettes of Resilience is a practical guide to the inner workings of the lives of neurosurgeons, healthcare partners, and patients. To this end, this text serves as a first-hand documentary of the unique challenges faced as one progresses through their career. It is a snapshot in time capturing the experiences of both patients and providers. The text is divided into seven parts that run the gamut of a neurosurgeon’s career symbolic of the seven years of neurosurgical training. These narratives include, but are not limited to, residency challenges, surgical nuances, research and funding, embracing humanity, patient experiences, and overcoming hurdles along the journey. Chapters share the wisdom and experiences of over 100 authors consisting of patients, trainees, advanced practice providers, and attending neurosurgeons.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    Advanced Intraoperative Technologies in Neurosurgery

    by R. E. Anderson (Author), Gregor Högenauer

    Since the introduction of electrosurgery the techniques of surgery on the nervous system have passed through further improvements (bipolar coagulation, microscope), even if the procedure was not substantially modified. Today, laser represents a new "discipline", as it offers a new way of performing all basic maneuvers (dissection, demolition, hemostasis, vessel sutures). Furthermore, laser offers the possibility of a special maneuver, namely reduction of the volume of a tumoral mass through vaporization. Its application is not restricted to traditional neurosurgery but extends also to stereotactic and vascular neurosurgery. Laser surgery has also influenced the anesthesiologic techniques. At the same time new instrumentation has been introduced: CUSA ultrasonic aspiration, echotomography, and Doppler flowmeter. I have had the chance to utilize these new technologies all at a time and have come to the conclusion that we are facing the dawn of a new methodology which has already shown its validity and lack of inconveniences, and whose object is to increase the precision of neurological surgery. The technological development is still going on, and some improvements are to be foreseen. Laser scalpel is splitting the initial laser surgery into NO­ TOUCH and TOUCH surgery with laser. As new instrumentarium will be developed, a variable and tunable beam will become available. For example, in a few years Free Electron Laser will further add to the progress in this field.

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    Advanced Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery 1st Edition

    by Andy Shores (Editor), Brigitte A. Brisson (Editor)

    Advanced Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery An up-to-date discussion of the latest advanced neurosurgical techniques for dogs and cats

    In Advanced Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery, a team of distinguished veterinary practitioners delivers an authoritative and accessible compilation of current best practices for surgery of the spine, neck, and head in dogs and cats. The book focuses on advanced and cutting-edge techniques in the field, offering detailed and step-by-step descriptions of state-of- the-art procedures accompanied by video clips of most.

    The authors have developed a companion website that includes additional resources for the techniques described in the book, which provides coverage of percutaneous laser disk fenestration, spinal stabilization, and pituitary surgery. Each chapter presents a detailed description of an operative technique, indications, surgical anatomy, and related and detailed illustrations. Readers will also find:

    A thorough introduction to the history of veterinary neurosurgery and applications of 3D printing in veterinary neurosurgery In-depth treatments of post-operative radiation therapy of intracranial tumors Comprehensive discussions of the more routine spinal procedures, including cervical ventral slot decompression Explorations of intracranial procedures, including intraoperative ultrasound in intracranial surgery Perfect for veterinary surgeons and veterinary internal medicine specialists, Advanced Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery will also earn a place in the libraries of veterinary residents and interns.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery: Volume 45

    by Concezio Di Rocco (Editor)

    This book offers an update on several basic and clinical problems in neurosurgery compiled by internationally recognized experts.

    This multi-thematic volume will touch on a variety of topics: from the role of women neurosurgeons in the last hundred year of the specialty history, to the pathogenesis of spinal dysraphism, to the convection-enhanced delivery of intracerebral antineoplastic drugs in children, through a review of methods and applications. The intraoperative cerebral blood flow monitoring in neurosurgery will be also discussed, offering again a comprehensive review of contemporary technologies and emerging perspectives.

    As for the technical standards, the book will describe the multimodality approach to cerebral gliomas, the management of thalamic tumors, the intracavitary treatment of craniopharyngiomas, the long term results of spasticity treatments, the surgical treatment of spinal vascular malformations, the management of idiopathic and refractory syringomyelia, offering at the same time an update of peripheral nerve surgery.

    All the chapters have to be considered an advance in the relative fields, in cerebral pathophysiology and in clinical management.

    Approaching the issue of technical standards in the everyday clinical practice of neurosurgery, this book is of great interest for neurosurgeons, neurologists and orthopaedists.

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    Cerebrovascular Surgery: Controversies, Standards and Advances

    by Yoko Kato (Editor), Ahmed Ansari (Editor)

    This book will discuss and cover standard treatments and advances in some of the most controversial topics in cerebrovascular surgery traversing the whole arena, including open and interventional surgeries. They will be discussed with case scenarios, bail out strategies and complication handling, followed by advances in the subject. Some of the best academic cereberovascular physician will author these chapters with their vast experience. The book will be of particular benefit to neurosurgeons, neurologists, and radiologists. It will be particularly targeting residents, young and experienced faculty in the subject, and will provide first hand up to the mark information and experiences in cerebrovascular surgery.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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    Complications in Neurosurgery: 130 (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement)

    by Keki E. Turel (Editor), Mikhail F. Chernov (Editor), Hrishikesh Sarkar (Editor)

    This book illustrates and discusses key points related to intra- and postoperative complications of brain, spine and peripheral nerve surgery, and covers the majority of neurosurgical subspecialties, including skull base surgery, brain tumor surgery, vascular and endovascular neurosurgery, neuroendoscopy, functional neurosurgery, spine surgery, peripheral nerve surgery, radiosurgery and radiotherapy. In addition, it considers related medicolegal, ethical and philosophical aspects.

    Including material that represents the combined proceedings of the First International Conference on Complications in Neurosurgery (March 3-5, 2017; Mumbai, India) and the dedicated symposium “Complications in Neurosurgery” during the XVI Congress of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (August 20-25, 2017; Istanbul, Turkey), the articles in this volume were written by recognized experts in the field and based both on their personal experience and the latest scientific evidence. It offers a valuable reference guide, providing detailed recommendations on the prevention and management of complications in neurosurgery.

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    Endovascular Neurosurgery: A Multidisciplinary Approach

    by Paul Butler (Editor)

    Endovascular Neurosurgery represents a unique collaboration between contributors from a number of specialties, all of whom are concerned with the management of cerebrovascular disease. This provides a balanced account of the efficacy of interventional endovascular techniques in this group of conditions. As a result, Endovascular Neurosurgery will prove an invaluable account of a relatively new specialty and will be essential reading for neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuroradiologists, neurophysiologists and neuroanaesthetists.

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    Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in the Management of Intracranial Disorders II

    by Mikhail F. Chernov (Editor), Motohiro Hayashi (Editor), Clark C. Chen (Editor), Ian E. McCutcheon (Editor)

    The articles in this volume cover the various radiosurgical techniques used to treat benign and malignant intracranial tumors, cavernous malformations, and functional disorders, as well as a wide array of specific details on medical physics, neuroimaging, and anesthetic support. Particular emphasis is put on the optimal combination of microneurosurgery and radiosurgery for attaining the best functional results in patients with vestibular schwannomas, craniopharyngiomas, and pituitary adenomas, and on the most effective methods of treatment planning and radiation dosimetry in cases of metastatic brain tumors. The highlighted clinical aspects include indications for radiosurgery and the prediction of patients’ prognosis, along with analysis of outcomes in comparison with results achieved by other modalities in the context of multifaceted therapeutic strategies. In addition, possible options for applying advanced treatment using such modern devices as Leksell Gamma Knife PerfexionTM and IconTM are presented in depth. This information will interest both radiosurgical practitioners and neurosurgeons, and help them to provide optimal care and to achieve the greatest benefit of their patients. This book will serve as an excellent companion for the previous publication “Gamma Knife Neurosurgery in the Management of Intracranial Disorders” (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement, Volume 116, Springer, 2013).

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    Gamma Knife Neurosurgerys

    700 1,400 

    Gamma Knife Neurosurgerys

    by Jeremy Ganz (Author

    Today, over 500,000 patients have been treated world wide in 250 Gamma Knife Centres in 37 countries each one treating between 150 and 700 patients a year. The current book serves as a textbook, training manual and reference book for those involved in Gamma Knife practice covering the theoretical background, the practical aspects of treatment, the social side of the method and necessary information not only for users but for those who refer to the Gamma Knife. It also covers some aspects of the hospital and social administration required for optimal use of the technology, also looking at the effect of the internet on specialist medical practice. It also presents the completely new Gamma Knife (Perfexion), a new technology which extends the range of the Gamma Knife and will be the treatment standard for the future.

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    Global Neurosurgery: A Reflection from a Life in the Field 1st ed

    by Robert J. Dempsey (Author)

    During his training, neurosurgeon Robert J. Dempsey, M.D. was told that global health was something for infectious diseases and not possible in super-specialties. This is the story of questioning that belief, of addressing a massive need by working in the areas of need, going to numerous ministers of health worldwide and showing them that with the training of even a few neurosurgeons, we can complete a trauma system in their country. The result is now we can also provide care for cancer, stroke and congenital defects of newborn children where it was previously impossible. In 2015, the Lancet Commission’s report predicted, over the next few years, 47 million unnecessary deaths worldwide due to the lack of essential surgeries. This book relates the importance of rectifying that ongoing tragedy and, more importantly, the humanizing influences that such a journey has had on a super-specialist working with the people of greatest need. It concludes that in spite of massive need, the present situation is actually very hopeful, as we have shifted the focus of global health from service alone to partnered teaching, leading us now to self-sustaining systems of care delivered for and by the people in the regions of need.

    Global Neurosurgery covers the thought-provoking and often frightening lessons learned over four decades of neurosurgical involvement in global health, working from a period when little or none existed to the present state of specialized healthcare in the area of need. This process starts in the U.S. and then addresses health disparity on four continents and now on U.S. tribal reservations. It emphasizes the importance of first listening, then partnering with government, medical societies, universities and private foundations, and most importantly, learning from mistakes. The programs developed allow the recipients of the care to take over the training so that it becomes about them and their patients in their home lands. It will appeal to a wide audience because its stories explain actual worldwide health conditions while giving an insight valuable to the professional or lay person into the experiences and operating rooms of a neurosurgeon working under very difficult conditions.

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    Introduction to Robotics in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 1st ed

    by Mohammed Maan Al-Salihi (Editor), R. Shane Tubbs (Editor), Ali Ayyad (Editor), Tetsuya Goto (Editor), Mohammad Maarouf (Editor)

    This book presents a basic introduction of the role of robotics in neurological surgery in a systematic organized manner. The work provides thorough explanations of the history, types, uses, application, current practice, and future directions of robotics in each division of the field of neurosurgery. The book is written in clear understandable language, making it suitable for medical students, interns, residents, specialists, consultants, and professors.

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    Introduction to Vascular Neurosurgery 1st ed

    by Justin R. Mascitelli (Editor), Mandy J. Binning (Editor)

    This book aims to cover the majority of neurovascular diseases and management. The first section reviews neurovascular anatomy, the basics of angiography, and the basics of craniotomies for neurovascular diseases. Next, an entire section is devoted to intracranial aneurysms, covering the natural history, subarachnoid hemorrhage, endovascular management, microsurgical management, and vasospasm. Following this, a number of chapters are devoted to stroke including natural history, mechanical thrombectomy, intracranial stenosis, Moyamoya disease, bypass surgery, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, intracerebral hemorrhage, sinus thrombosis, and the surgical and endovascular management of extracranial carotid disease. Next, the text covers vascular malformations including arteriovenous malformation, arteriovenous fistulas, carotid cavernous fistulas, vein of Galen malformations, spinal malformations, and cavernous malformations. Finally, the book discusses a few miscellaneous topics including more recent advances in neurovascular care such as venous sinus stenting for idiopathic intracranial hypertension and middle meningeal artery embolization for subdural hematoma. Written by experts in the field, Introduction to Vascular Neurosurgery provides a comprehensive summary of neurovascular disease and management. The book can be used as a daily reference and serves as a trusted resource for medical students, residents, fellows, and young attendings.

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    Keyhole Approaches in Neurosurgery: Volume I Concept and surgical technique

    by Axel Perneczky (Author), Robert Reisch (Author), Manfred Tschabitscher (Contributor), Tetsuo Kanno (Foreword), S. Kindel (Illustrator)

    Technological progress in neurosurgery - preoperative investigation of the exact anatomy of the patient, detailed planning of the procedure, and use of endoscopes and videosurgery -- have made approaches for intracranial microsurgical procedures smaller compared to historically standard neurosurgical approaches. Building on the previous works "Endoscopic Anatomy for Neurosurgery" and "Keyhole Concept in Neurosurgery," this book offers a systematic overview of keyhole approaches in the daily work of a neurosurgeon. The approaches, strategies, indications and technical details described here are complemented by anatomical pictures, schemes, and artists' illustrations, and analyzed with regard to geometric boundaries and the topography of the target structures.

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    Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

    800 1,650 

    Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

    by Mark R. Proctor (Editor)

    Recognized clinical leaders in neurosurgery and neuroradiology review the cutting-edge techniques and technologies now available and describe how minimally invasive techniques have influenced their subspecialties. On the radiology side, the authors explain the latest developments in magnetic resonance spectroscopy, functional imaging, and brain mapping, with emphasis on the application of image navigation directly in the operating room, using both preoperative and intraoperative systems. On the surgical side, some of the world's leading surgeons in pediatric neurosurgery, cerebrovascular surgery, neurosurgical oncology, spinal and peripheral nerve surgery, and trauma surgery detail how they use the powerful new minimally invasive techniques in the own practices. Among the novel approaches discussed are radiofrequency, radiosurgery, thermal therapy, and minimally invasive techniques that allow "molecular neurosurgery" via gene and viral vectors and local delivery systems.

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    Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology

    by Tetsu Kanno (Editor)

    This volume of proceedings contains in their entirety the reports submitted at the 6th International Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery and the 3rd World Congress of the Academy for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology, held concurrently in Nagoya, Japan, in March 2005, and provides valuable insights into the latest innovations in clinical neurosurgery for practitioners from a broad range of disciplines.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.