101 Pearls in Refractive, Cataract, and Corneal Surgery 2nd Edition
by Samir A. Melki MD PhD (Author), Dimitri T. Azar MD (Author)
Looking for quick and user-friendly surgical tips for refractive, cataract, and corneal surgery? Need all of the most important and practical information to be at your fingertips at a
moments notice? The updated Second Edition of 101 Pearls in Refractive, Cataract, and Corneal Surgery will rise to the challenge and be your only go-to surgical guide!
Drs. Melki and Azar follow the same format as with their previous edition in that the information is organized as a condensed summary of key pearls and pitfalls of challenging surgical
procedures in refractive, cataract, and corneal surgery.
Focusing on practical tips rather than theoretical aspects of surgical procedures, and including clear illustrations of techniques, 101 Pearls in Refractive, Cataract, and Corneal
Surgery, Second Edition is a user-friendly, straightforward guide to surgical success. Each pearl will enhance surgical outcomes, reduce surgical time, minimize complications, or
simplify a complicated step.
Pearls include practical tips on:
• IOL Calculations after LASIK
• Treatment of post-LASIK keratectasia
• Masking agents for smoother ablation
• Amniotic membrane transplantation
• CK, Monovision, and Blended Vision
• LASIK flap buttonhole prevention and management
• Repairing Descemet’s detachments
• Presbyopic IOLs
• Capsular Dyes in Cataract Surgery
Both beginning and advanced surgeons will benefit from this unique, no-nonsense book of practical tips. Bring 101 Pearls in Refractive, Cataract, and Corneal Surgery, Second Edition
into your practice today.
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