Explore our extensive collection of DPT(Doctor of Physical Therapy) books at Jinnah Medical Bookshop—Pakistan’s premier online destination for medical literature. Our carefully curated selection includes the latest textbooks covering essential topics in physical therapy, rehabilitation techniques, and patient care, tailored for DPT students and professionals. With cash on delivery available across Pakistan, we ensure a seamless shopping experience, delivering top-quality resources right to your doorstep. Empower your education and enhance your skills in physical therapy with our comprehensive offerings!

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    Kinesiology MAde Easy

    Original price was: 695 ₨.Current price is: 600 ₨.

    Kinesiology MAde Easy

    By Dr Benish Asif,PT

    Syllabus According to: HEC, UOS, UHS & GCUF

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    Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care Eighth Edition

    by Sylvia Escott-Stump MA RD LDN (Author)

    Prepare your students for effective practice with Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care, 8e. Written by well-known author and nutritionist Sylvia Escott-Stump, this best- selling book provides “need to know,” condition-specific, evidence-based medical nutrition therapy information for more than 360 diseases and disorders in a unique monograph-style format that makes information easy to find.

    Revised and updated throughout, the Eighth Edition features new information on the treatment of inflammation through nutrition therapy; new and updated coverage of autism and neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders; timely information for the dietician working in a collaborative, interdisciplinary care setting.

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    • Select the most appropriate evaluation procedures
    • Develop patient goals
    • Implement your plan of care
    This book is every Physical Therapy Student’s Bible. Use this book as a guide for every PT class from Integumentary to Pediatrics to Neuroanatomy!”—Online ReviewerA must-have for all PT's, PTA's and PT/PTA students...“Basically Wikipedia for physical therapy only has a lot more specific information pertaining to client/patient care and doesn't require a computer.”—Alex N., Online ReviewerRely on this comprehensive, curriculum-spanning text and reference now and throughout your career! You’ll find everything you need to know about the rehabilitation management of adult patients… from integrating basic surgical, medical, and therapeutic interventions to how to select the most appropriate evaluation procedures, develop rehabilitation goals, and implement a treatment plan.
    • New! Six immersive, full-color video case study modules online mirror the real world in which you will practice and help you to develop your critical-thinking and clinical judgment skills. Activities and guiding questions highlight the importance of careful observation during evaluation and documenting all aspects of an intervention.
    • Features more than 60 narrated, full-color video clips of patients in treatment, including the initial examination, interventions, and outcomes for a variety of the conditions commonly seen in rehabilitation settings.
    • Incorporates current research in basic and clinical sciences with physical therapy assessments and treatment procedures and features “Evidence Summary” tables in most chapters which evaluate current research on specific topics and support evidence-based practice.
    • Integrates the goals, examination procedures, and interventions of the APTA’s Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and aligns to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF) model of the World Health Organization.
    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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    Evidence Based Cupping Therapy

    Original price was: 795 ₨.Current price is: 700 ₨.
    Evidence Based Cupping TherapyA clinical guide for medical practitioners by Dr. Samraiz Mughal, PT.
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    Introduction to Biostatistics and Research Methods 2nd Edition

    Original price was: 595 ₨.Current price is: 500 ₨.
  • Pharma Medics

    Short Review of Pharmacology 1st Edition By Samar Abbas For MBBS, BDS, PHARM-D, DPT Students & Other Licensing Exams All important drugs classification, easy mechanism of action, drugs brand pictures & solved past university questions.
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    SEQs and MCQs Solved Past Papers Biostatistics and Research Method and EBP

    Original price was: 565 ₨.Current price is: 450 ₨.
    SEQs and MCQs Solved Past Papers Biostatistics and Research Method and EBPFor DPT, SLP, and Pharma D StudentsUHS. KEMU. BZU. PU and All Universities of PakistanExam Master SeriesBy Muhammad Ibrahim  
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    Shahbaz Behavioural Sciences

    Original price was: 495 ₨.Current price is: 400 ₨.
    Shahbaz Behavioural SciencesThis Book has been written and compiled keeping under consideration the problems that Medical Students face in understanding the Behavioural Sciences and preparing for exams in very short time with other very extensive subjects like Pharmacology and Pathology
  • Shahbaz General Anatomy for MBBS, BDS, DPT StudentsBy Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Dr Shazia Qasim Dr. Areeba Rashid Dr Hassaan RasheedBrief & concise Easy to memorize UHS Past MCQs & SEQs Brief summary at the end of each chapter Best and quick review To the point Medical Book Series with the all given text to pass the Exams in short time with Good Grades Making you clinically skillful.
  • Shahbaz Past UHS MCQs First Year MBBS and DPT Edition 2022-23 By Dr Muhammad Shahbaz Dr Shazia Qasim Dr Durish Fatima Dr Sawera Akram First Year MBBS and DPT MCQs By Exam Master Must read before exams Solved Pas University MCQs 20212 to 2022 Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry
  • Shahbaz Past UHS MCQs Second Year MBBS and DPT Edition 2022-23 By Dr Muhammad Shahbaz Dr Shazia Qasim Dr Durish Fatima Dr Sawera Akram Second Year MBBS and DPT MCQs By Exam Master Must read before exams Solved Pas University MCQs 20212 to 2022 Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry