Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery 4th Edition

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Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery 4th Edition

by Mark D. Walters MD (Author), Mickey M. Karram MD (Author)

Edited and authored by some of the most respected figures in the field, Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery presents definitive, state-of-the-art guidance on every aspect of
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS), equipping you to make the best clinical decisions and optimize outcomes. Its easily accessible format is uniquely organized to
reflect a physician’s decision-making process — from basic concepts through to clinical and urodynamic evaluation, management, and treatment. This practical, clinically oriented textis an
ideal resource for OB/GYNs and Urologists as well as subspecialists in FPMRS, providing the latest information on procedures and available research regarding the evaluation and treatment of
the growing number of patients presenting with these types of conditions.

Glean all essential, up-to-date, need-to-know information with a new section on surgical complications and their management; important new discussions on the psychosocial issues associated
with treating patients with female pelvic floor disorders; and a new focus on female sexual function and dysfunction.
Prevent and plan for complications prior to a procedure thanks to a step-by-step approach to each procedure, complete with personal techniques and tips from leading experts.
Put concepts into practice. Case presentations from leading experts in FPMRS allow the reader to apply the information presented to everyday clinical situations.
Effectively detect, prevent and treat common female pelvic floor disorders including stress incontinence, overactive bladder, pelvic organ prolapse, defecation disorders, painful bladder and
irritative voiding disorders, and urinary tract infection.
Get a true-to-life view of each procedure through full-color, crisp illustrations that illuminate every detail and nuance.
Stay current the latest advancements and developments with sweeping updates and 9 NEW chapters: Congenital Anomalies of the Female Genital and Urinary Tracts l Physiology of the Pelvic
Muscles, Vagina and Ano-Rectum l Female Sexual Function and Dysfunction l Multichannel-Urodynamics: Indications, Techniques and Interpretation with Case Studies l Video and Ambulatory
Urodynamics: Indications, Techniques and Interpretation with Case Studies l Hysteropexy l Avoiding and Managing Lower Urinary Tract Injuries During Pelvic Surgery l Managing Mesh and other
Vaginal Complications after Surgeries for Incontinence and Prolapse l and Surgical Management of Detrusor Compliance Abnormalities.
Master urodynamic testing with step-by-step instructions on basic evaluation as well as the evaluation of complex cases with videourodynamics.
Know what to do and expect with algorithmic approaches to common complaints, evidence-based assessments of appropriate therapies, and clear full-color surgical illustrations as well as
evidence-based assessments of appropriate therapies.

You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.



Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery 4th Edition

by Mark D. Walters MD (Author), Mickey M. Karram MD (Author)

You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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