PACES for the MRCP: with 250 Clinical Cases 3rd Edition

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PACES for the MRCP: with 250 Clinical Cases 3rd Edition

by Tim Hall MB ChB FRCP MRCGP DipClinEd FHEA (Author)

The 3rd edition of PACES for the MRCP has been fully revised and updated throughout to retain its pole position as the textbook to accompany core medical training (CMT) and
prepare candidates for success in the Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills and a future specialty career.


Fully revised for the new Station 5 and completely updated throughout.
Promotes understanding and deeper learning of modern medicine applicable to PACES and the specialist registrar.
Emphasis on clinical assessment – history-taking, examination and communication skills – equipping candidates with appropriate differential diagnoses from which to develop
the right diagnosis.
Encourages candidates to question why a diagnosis has arisen and consider its consequences. For example, ‘Heat failure’ is a not a diagnosis until a candidate has considered
the differential diagnoses of breathlessness and decided why heart failure is most likely, and then considered its cause (not always ischaemic heart disease), its
presentation (acute, chronic, left or right ventricular or both) and, most importantly, the effects of it and its treatments on a patient’s life.
This 3rd edition of PACES for the MRCP continues to provide fully revised, up-to-date, evidence-based coverage of investigations and treatments. Whilst the emphasis of PACES
is on clinical skills, candidates who understand when, for example, a patient with rheumatoid arthritis might benefit from a biologic agent and how this will influence
inflammatory disease, is better equipped for success.

From reviews of the previous edition:

‘Hall’s PACES for the MRCP is excellent. It is easy to follow, carefully laid out and covers all conditions likely to appear in each station of the exam. The author not only
explains examination techniques and clinical signs, but also goes that step further to ensure the reader really understands each topic, using clinical examples, question and
answer/discussion sections as well as detailed illustrations. Where this text also outshines the others is with the inclusion of chapters covering the History Taking and
Communication/Ethics stations of the exam. The scenarios are “spot on” and give the reader plenty of examples to work through. The Neurology section is brilliant.’ Overall:
An excellent and up-to-date text, this is the new MRCP “Bible” – don’t sit your exam without it.

‘Looking through the book is a visual delight and there is lots of excellent information there.’

‘Well laid out, easy to read and utterly relevant. Also serves as a useful reference tool post-membership too. Buy it!’

Really good book. The clinical stations are well covered – in particular this book is worth buying just for the neuro section alone which is really easy to read and
understand and gives you a great framework for approaching clinical cases (this is also what countless colleagues of mine have cited as the book’s main selling point!)

‘This is an excellent book. It is very well-written, clear, factually correct and actually means that you know enough to hold a conversation with the examiners. Apparently
most people assume they will pass the Hx and comm stations but commonly fail them and this book is excellent for those with lots of information and cases to practice. I
really feel that this book has transformed the paces market as it is so much better than the others.’

‘Hall’s refreshingly relevant and readable textbook is vital to successful PACES preparation and covers all sections faced in the exam with good detail.’

A one-volume text giving candidates complete preparation for the PACES exam within one portable volume
250 cases organised into the 5 stations of the PACES exam – respiratory and abdominal system, history taking, cardiovascular and nervous system, communication and ethics and
skin, locomotion, eyes and endocrine systems
Engaging question-and-answer approach at the end of each case – excellent preparation for the exam
Boxed tips highlight vital information – helps identify what is most important to remember
Fully revised for the new Station 5 and completely updated throughout.

You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.


PACES for the MRCP: with 250 Clinical Cases 3rd Edition

by Tim Hall MB ChB FRCP MRCGP DipClinEd FHEA (Author)

You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.

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