Office Orthopedics for Primary Care: Diagnosis 1st Edition
by Bruce Carl Anderson MD (Author)
This new companion to Office Orthopedics for Primary Care, 3rd Edition, provides straightforward, in-depth, full-color guidance on the diagnosis of 52 of the most common musculoskeletal
problems seen in today’s clinical settings. It spells out exactly what to look for during the physical examination and in what sequence, providing readers with the knowledge they need
to effectively diagnose these problems. Lavish, full-color photographs and line drawings enhance the text and make concepts easier to understand.
Features the expertise of Dr. Bruce Carl Anderson, a world authority on orthopedic practice in primary care.
Presents proven “how-to’s” of diagnosis for the 52 most common orthopedic problems.
Features detailed descriptions and lavish illustrations―with hundreds of color photographs―to show every aspect of proper diagnosis.
Provides comprehensive treatment reference tables that list best-practice treatments, procedures, and equipment, such as supports, braces, and casts.
Gives cross-references to the companion volume, Office Orthopedics for Primary Care, 3rd Edition.
Includes many at-a-glance tables showing diagnostic tips and features, clinical pearls, and differential diagnoses.
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