MCQs for the New MRCPsych Paper A with Answers Explained MasterPass 1st Edition

Original price was: 450 ₨.Current price is: 350 ₨.

by David Browne (Editor), Selena Morgan Pillay (Editor), Guy Molyneaux (Editor), Brenda Wright (Editor), Bangaru Raju (Editor), Ijaz Hussein (Editor), Mohamed Ali Ahmed
(Editor), Michael Reilly (Editor)

Comprising of 400 MCQs, this book provides essential revision content to help you pass the recently introduced MRCPsych Paper A. The most recent guidelines for the new
curriculum have been followed in compiling the content. MCQs for the New MRCPsych Paper A with Answers Explained is an invaluable aid for all candidates for the examination of
the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Other clinicians and undergraduate students in medicine and health sciences will also find it useful.

You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.




by David Browne (Editor), Selena Morgan Pillay (Editor), Guy Molyneaux (Editor), Brenda Wright (Editor), Bangaru Raju (Editor), Ijaz Hussein (Editor), Mohamed Ali Ahmed
(Editor), Michael Reilly (Editor)

Comprising of 400 MCQs, this book provides essential revision content to help you pass the recently introduced MRCPsych Paper A. The most recent guidelines for the new
curriculum have been followed in compiling the content. MCQs for the New MRCPsych Paper A with Answers Explained is an invaluable aid for all candidates for the examination of
the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Other clinicians and undergraduate students in medicine and health sciences will also find it useful.

You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.




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