by Larry F. Chu (Author)
¾ Presents information in a rapid-reference, outline format throughout,with colorcoded sections, chapter summaries, pearls and pitfalls, crossreferences to related text, and more.¾ Features
new chapters Hemorrhage in Obstetrics, Highly InfectiousDiseases such as COVID-19, Thromboelastogram/Point of Care LaboratoryInterpretation, Patients with Opioid Use Disorder, as well as new
cognitiveaids for Scalpel-bougie technique for front of neck access, VideoLaryngoscopy, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Ultrasound- Guided NeuraxialAnesthesia, OB Cardiac Arrest, Transthoracic Echo,
and PALS.¾ Covers monitoring, equipment and procedures, anesthesia and comorbiddiseases, pediatric anesthesia, subspecialty anesthesia, and other key topics.¾ Includes four full-color
atlases that clearly depict procedures,transesophageal echocardiography, peripheral nerve blocks, and crisismanagement (including new crisis management checklists) as well asappendices of
foreign language phrases and a drug dosing pull-out card.¾ Online resources are not available with this text
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