Handbook of Thyroid and Neck Ultrasonography: An Illustrated Case Compendium with Clinical and Pathologic Correlation (Contemporary Endocrinology)

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Incidentally discovered thyroid nodules and palpable neck masses present a common clinical problem. Further evaluation with neck ultrasound helps to characterize these lesions and stratify the risk of malignancy. Based on ultrasound characteristics, these lesions can be better defined using pathologic and other clinical data in order to determine the best management.
This practical handbook is a case compendium based on thyroid and neck ultrasonography patterns that are commonly encountered in clinical practice. A chapter will be designated for each of the major types of thyroid nodule ultrasound features, and additional chapters will be designated for other non-thyroid neck lesions. Beginning with imaging (photographic) examples of each of the ultrasound findings, clinical cases will be used to subdivide each feature and illustrate the differential diagnoses of the various types of thyroid and neck lesions. Associated cytology and histopathology images will beshown and described, as well as clinical data, including relevant history, physical exam, molecular marker results and clinical course. Chapters will include bulleted key points for quick reference as well as suggested readings for further investigation.
While several handbooks exist to educate readers about neck and thyroid ultrasonography and about cytopathology, this is a unique work that combines ultrasound and pathology data into a case-based, easy-to-read and concise format that fits in your pocket, adapting common terminology that is emerging for ultrasound, which will allow readers to employ a “standardized” approach to evaluating nodules, depending on the risk scoring system used.


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Handbook of Thyroid and Neck Ultrasonography: An Illustrated Case Compendium with Clinical and Pathologic Correlation (Contemporary Endocrinology)

By  Leslie S. Eldeiry (Editor), Nora M. V. Laver (Editor), Gregory W. Randolph (Editor), Barry Sacks (Editor), Jeffrey R. Garber (Editor)

  • Ultrasound Evaluation: Neck ultrasound helps characterize these lesions and assess the risk of malignancy.
  • Goal: The handbook aims to guide the evaluation of thyroid and neck lesions using ultrasound features, pathology, and clinical data for optimal management.
  • Structure:
    • Each chapter focuses on a specific type of thyroid nodule ultrasound feature.
    • Separate chapters address non-thyroid neck lesions.
  • Content:
    • Imaging Examples: Provides photographic examples of ultrasound findings.
    • Clinical Cases: Each case subdivides ultrasound features and highlights differential diagnoses.
    • Cytology and Histopathology: Associated images and descriptions are included.
    • Clinical Data: Includes relevant history, physical exam findings, molecular marker results, and clinical course.
  • Key Points: Each chapter includes bulleted key points for quick reference.
  • Suggested Readings: Provides resources for further investigation.
  • Unique Approach: Combines ultrasound and pathology data in a concise, case-based format.

Handbook of Thyroid and Neck Ultrasonography: An Illustrated Case Compendium with Clinical and Pathologic Correlation (Contemporary Endocrinology)

Now Available at Ganagaram Jinnah Medical Bookshop For home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan.

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