The difference between an average surgeon and a master surgeon is often an ability to navigate and resolve surgical complications. Complications in Orthopaedics: Spine Surgery provides expert guidance and offers real solutions to improve patient outcomes, for both the trainee and the experienced surgeon. This brand-new volume in the Complications in Orthopaedics series from series editor Dr. Stephen R. Thompson, along with expert spinal surgeons Drs. Vikas Patel and Christopher J. Kleck, focuses on how to recognize and avoid errors during spine surgery, with thorough coverage of preoperative errors, intraoperative issues, and postoperative complications.
- Helps you navigate a wide variety of inevitable difficult situations in spine surgery, whether errors in judgment, technical mistakes, or unavoidable outcomes.
- Covers key topics such as Avoiding Complications in Pain Management Before and After Spine Surgery, Managing Spinal Cord Injuries, Complications Associated with Congenital and Neuromuscular Scoliosis, Osteotomy and Surgical Correction Related Complications, and more.
- Features a full-color design with numerous photographs, radiographs, and illustrations.
- Includes clinical images and MRI and CT scans to enhance and reinforce the material.
- Follows a templated, reader-friendly format throughout.
- Includes introductory material on relevant anatomy and necessary background information.
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