Applied Animal Endocrinology 3rd Edition

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This text explains the role of hormones in improving and monitoring the production, performance, reproduction, behavior and health of livestock animals. It covers different endocrine systems and how these can be manipulated to advantage, covering the mechanism of action and highlighting common themes to help stimulate development of new methods.

A refreshed, updated resource that highlights new areas of endocrinology with applications in commercial animals, additions to this new edition include:

  • information on G protein receptors, function of CREB, methods for identification of DNA regulatory sequences and DNA binding proteins, circadian rhythm and the biological clock;
  • expanded coverage of in vitro models to include 3D cell culture and organ-on-a-chip;
  • new knowledge on gene editing, antibody production, hormone delivery methods and DNA cloning and sequencing methods;
  • the role of the gut microbiome, as well as effects of antibiotics and antimicrobials;
  • skin as an endocrine organ and related information on wool production and endocrine defleecing;
  • updated information on protocols for assessing endocrine disruptor chemicals.

An invaluable text for students of animal science and veterinary medicine, this book also provides a useful resource for those in academia and industry interested in applications of endocrinology in animal production systems.


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Applied Animal Endocrinology 3rd Edition

By  Mehul Dattani (Editor), Mohamad Maghnie (Editor) 

  • Updates in the New Edition:
    • G Protein Receptors: New insights on their role in endocrine function.
    • CREB Function: Coverage of the function of CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein).
    • DNA Regulatory Sequences and Binding Proteins: Methods for identification and their significance.
    • Circadian Rhythm: Understanding of biological clocks in animals.
    • In Vitro Models: Expanded coverage, including 3D cell culture and organ-on-a-chip technologies.
    • Gene Editing and Antibody Production: New developments in gene editing, hormone delivery, and DNA cloning/sequencing methods.
    • Gut Microbiome: Exploration of the role of the gut microbiome in livestock health and production.
    • Antibiotics and Antimicrobials: Effects of antibiotics and antimicrobials on endocrine systems in livestock.
    • Skin as an Endocrine Organ: Focus on its role in wool production and endocrine defleecing.
    • Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals: Updated protocols for assessing their impact.

Applied Animal Endocrinology 3rd Edition

Now Available at Ganagaram Jinnah Medical Bookshop For home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan.

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